The Benefits of Neuronavigation, Associated with Magnetic Resonance and Computerized Tomography, in Skull-Encephal Surgeries

Author Details

Gustavo Henrique Barbosa Nunes da Silva, Geralda Rodrigues de Souza, Christiana Vargas Ribeiro

Journal Details


Published: 23 November 2018 | Article Type :


The neuronavigation technique consists of an image guided surgery system through the neuronavigator, which assists the neurosurgeon in the approach of tumors and other lesions in brain surgeries. Thus, the present article aims to highlight the benefits of neuronavigation in these surgeries, associated with imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), which will allow greater accuracy along with a more encephalic brain mapping detailed. The research had a qualitative character, through a bibliographical survey related to the proposed theme. It was possible to conclude that the neuronavigator, associated with the aforementioned imaging exams, became paramount in assisting the neurosurgeon during intracranial surgery, making it less invasive and safer for the patient.

Keywords: neuronavigation; brain tumors; magnetic resonance imaging; computed tomography; surgery.

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How to Cite


Gustavo Henrique Barbosa Nunes da Silva, Geralda Rodrigues de Souza, Christiana Vargas Ribeiro. (2018-11-23). "The Benefits of Neuronavigation, Associated with Magnetic Resonance and Computerized Tomography, in Skull-Encephal Surgeries." *Volume 1*, 2, 17-21